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July 23, 2020

Showing Appreciation for Your Friends on International Day of Friendship

Whether a friendship sprouts from sharing a juice box at recess, living in the same dorm building, or bonding over each other’s shoes, it is no secret that true friendship enriches our lives and brings us joy.

In honor of International Friendship Day on July 30, we have compiled a list of four ways of showing appreciation for your friends, even during quarantine.

1. Write Them a Thank-You Note

Words of affirmation can do wonders for a person. If your friend feels appreciation through written words, consider sending a thank you note. You can simply text a positive message, send a handwritten, heartfelt card, or drop off a letter in their mailbox. Here is a list of positive phrases to consider including in your note!

2. Send a Personalized Gift

What better way of showing appreciation for your friends than a gift only they would love? If your friend is an avid plant lover, consider scouting Evergreen Nursery for a splash of greenery. (For your friends that are more forgetful, succulents are always a safe bet!) If your friend loves to golf, buy a package of tees and golf balls. Personalized gifts will show your friends that you know truly know them and that you care!

3. Give a Social Media Shout Out

This is 2020, so chances are that you have a social media account. Whether you use Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, social media is the perfect place to post an old picture of you and your bestie. Whether that photo is from your 2018 cruise or the both of you playing in the sandbox as toddlers, your friend will love it!

Share your favorite memory, tell the world why you love them, or simply say thanks. For those who aren’t familiar with shout outs on social media, these tips will help you compose the perfect friend appreciation post.

4. Plan a Friend Date

If you are going stir-crazy during quarantine, chances are that your friend is as well. Why not invite them to go on a mini outing (following all CDC guidelines, of course). Invite your friend to take a mid-day coffee break, order takeout from your favorite brunch spot, or pick up local Japanese food and eat it at the park. Summertime, fresh-cut grass, and teriyaki noodles sound like the perfect dinner idea if you ask us!

To celebrate the people in your life, follow our suggestions above! On International Day of Friendship, send your bestie a nice note, drop off a personalized gift, post your favorite pic of the two of you on social, or invite your friend on a friendship outing. Good friends can be hard to come by, so showing appreciation for your friends isn’t just kind—it’s vital to keep them!

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